Selecting a Project and Assembly


To working the FabStation, you need to log in into the App and find the assembly in question. 

Starting on the Home page, select either Fabricate, Inspect or View depending on which activity is being completed.


Not sure if you selected a correct mode? Check our Choosing a Path: Fabricate, Inspect, or View? article for more details.

Click on the project dropdown box on the home screen and choose the project you are currently working on. 

Once the project is selected, several assemblies should be displayed in the “Assemblies” pane. 


If a project is not listed, refer to Managing Projects to ensure the project is created and active in the FabStation system

The assemblies can be filtered further by entering criteria in the “search assembly box”.

2.1 Click on “Search” and use the keyboard on the screen to find your assembly.

2.2 As you proceed inputting the assembly name, the correct one will appear

Gif about assembly search

When the desired assembly is located, select it by clicking on the assembly number.

The sub-assembly selection pop-up will appear.

The subassembly represents each instance of the assembly. For example, if you have ST2015, it has a quantity of 4 required (this is reflected in the 2D drawing as well). So, each version (i.e. ST2015.1, ST2015.2) listed is tracking each instance.

Each colour and status has a specific purpose in the system:

 – Choose a Not Started status assembly if the Fabricate path was initially selected;


 – Choose a Fabricated status if the Inspect path was initially selected; 


 – Choose any of the assemblies if the View path was initially selected.

Click on the correct sub-assembly and then select “OK“.

Please make sure you pick one “Not Started” or resume on the one you have already started and paused.


When in a View mode, you can choose any one of the versions shown. However, you have to carefully select the right version when in Fabricate or Inspect modes. 

Depending on the path chosen in the home screen (Fabricate, Inspect or View), the system will prompt to change the status for the selected assembly.

 – On the Fabricate path, the status will be changed to “Fabricating“.

 – On the Inspect path the status will change to “Inspecting“.

Select “YES” to change the status, or “View” to view the assembly without changing its status. Tap outside the window or cancel to escape the process.


If you selected the View path, you will not change the status and will not see this window.

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